JD 160

More or less a placeholder for now.  Put a charger on the battery.  After a few hours turning the key did nothing.  The owner changed the ignition.  New to see if that battery is taking a charge.

The battery did not quite charge to 12V so it is not in great shape.  Changed the ignition switch and cleaned the starter mounted solenoid, used some silicon spray to lube it.  Now it works but intermittently.  But the engine would not start with carb cleaner or gas in the carb.

Engine is a Kawasaki FB460V and metric.  Took off the sheet metal and head.  Not too bad but on the oily side.  Valves are tight.

The engine is pressurized but may not have a filter.

AM101001 is the kit number
AM101244 is just the adapter

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